İrem Portakal*

''İ'' is the uppercase of "i" in Turkish. It is pronanciated for example as the German letter "i" or the English letter "e".

About Me

I am a W2 Research Group Leader (associate professor) at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig and since September 2023, I have been leading the Interdisciplinary Frontiers of Algebraic Geometry research group. I am also an associate of the Reinhart-Koselleck-Projekt Reflexive Decision and Game Theory led by Wolfgang Spohn and an associate of DFG priority programme SPP 2458 "Combinatorial Synergies".

Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at TU Munich in the research group Mathematical Statistics led by Mathias Drton, in the Nonlinear Algebra Research Group led by Bernd Sturmfels at the MPI MiS Leipzig, and in the Discrete, Convex, and Toric Geometry research group led by Benjamin Nill at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.

I defended my thesis in 2018 at Freie Universität Berlin. I was a PhD student at the Berlin Mathematical School and in the Algebraic Geometry Group led by Klaus Altmann. Before that, I was a master's student at École Normale Supérieure in Lyon and an undergraduate student at Galatasaray University in Istanbul.

July 2024: I am giving an (online) talk at International Congress on Mathematical Software 2024.

May 2024: New paper on Dependency equilibria: Boundary cases and their real algebraic geometry is now out!

April 2024: Check out this fun AMS Feature Column titled "Elliptic curves come to date night" that is written on my joint work about dependency equilibria.

April 2024: I am giving a short lecture on algebraic game theory at 5th Graduate Student Meeting in Applied Algebra and Combinatorics.

March 2023: I am giving a survey talk on combinatorics of equilibria in game theory at Combinatorial Coworkspace.

Interdisciplinary frontiers of algebraic geometry

Current group members

Former group members

Former visitors and the website of the group




  • Nonlinear Algebra in Game Theory, in the Oberwolfach Report of the conference “Algebraic Structures in Statistical Methodology” [DOI 10.14760/OWR-2022-55], 2022.

Ongoing projects

  • A vector bundle approach to Nash equilibria, with Hirotachi Abo and Luca Sodomaco.
  • Geometric aspects of noncrossing matchings, with Arjaman Jal and Akiyoshi Tsuchiya.


Technische Universität München

SoSe 23

SoSe 22

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

WiSe 20/21

SoSe 20

WiSe 19/20

SoSe 19

WiSe 18/19

SoSe 18

Freie Universität Berlin

WiSe 17/18


Galatasaray University


  • Analyse à une variable I-II, Introduction à la géométrie torique.
  • Abstract Algebra Exercise Session.

Organized Events

Selected Invited Past Activities


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